Wednesday, February 23, 2011

California Fire Hydrant Repairs

In line with the previous post, the final leg of the making of the posters have been a meaningless correcalles. It was like those crazy football matches in which the two teams open grave attack haphazardly. The reality is that the company has nothing to do with this situation. He has a habit of not giving information on the negotiations and leaves everything for the day of presentation. It is a laudable effort to inform placements have been made by simple intuition. When you have finished everything, we realize that some who were placed by the pen are not listed. The truth is they were never hired, as the case of Alberto Aguilar o Fundi, both located in the Miura and ultimately ousted. It had the run of Corpus Uceda first sword but he fights Miguel Abellán final.

Almost there posters. I say almost because the cycle is finished since 24 April, Easter Sunday, until 8 May, but I have doubts that poster phantom winners Friday of San Miguel and 12 October. I understand that that date is not fertilizer, but this year there could be news to get to the usual number of festivities and keep the prices of fertilizer.

The Corpus run of Seville runs out, something strange. It announced three bullfighters who can fight, but the bill, which is like manure, it has the earmarks of one of San Isidro, said with all respect.

does not take a whiz to realize that in San Miguel is not Morante, at the moment. The La Puebla agreed four runs in the season. Missing. No more stories: Morante wants to kill six bulls, the company wants and you have to locate the date. What if the race is offered on Friday from San Miguel to be left open? Yes, it is true that there are bulls Pereda, but if the change to two Cuvillo copes Morante, two of Victoriano River and two of El Pilar no entry returned. Is on 12 October. We'll see.

On most controversial of these posters, the absence of Juan Mora, I urge readers to wait for a few days. I have a lot of data about the intricacies of the talks between the company and Luciano Núñez, but I want to connect the dots. For now, I can only announce that Mora is out, largely because employers did not like the attitude of Luciano.

Next week, Thursday or Friday, the posters will be announced officially. Will the time to comment more successful. For now, the important thing is that almost no signs. The best information


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