Monday, April 18, 2011

How To Look Less Plain

eternal, classy lace

From figure Juan Pedro Domecq human always be the image of a socket with class. Few people have been so battered in the world of bullfighting. In my case, sometimes, I showed my despair at the poor play of his bulls. To many it seemed very clever writing that he had dealt a "juanpedrada."

The truth is that it fit all with class. Discuss the concept of fighting bull, passionately defended his thesis, was a constant innovator on livestock issues. And behind him the honorable honor to see that the type of bull that his family was the preferred forged for bullfighting today.

Juan Pedro Domecq has died in a tragic way. Fate has taken it a bit prematurely, when he still had projects to finish on his favorite topics. The death of Juan Pedro erase many of its flaws and praises him as a rancher advanced issues such as genetics and computer science applied to the bull. His testament "to the bravery of bullfighting" is a true reflection of what has always preached throughout his life, because Juan Pedro, never changed his mind. It is possible that he was wrong in some respects, but also had reason on their side when the bull is created the basis of modern bullfighting. Another thing is if that bull is what may be the future of the party. A Juan Pedro only honor it for what it was: a fan of bullfighting in its entirety.


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