Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Many Letters Fit On A Driver's License?

BlogBus Zaphira, BlogBus

Chapter 2 "The road is not as long, but the danger is imminent."

Location: Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
coordinates: 20.1 °, 87.2 °
Temperature: 7 ° C
Humidity: 38%
Date: November 11
Time: 0900

schtt schtt schtt .... -Schtt schtt schtt schtt .... The soldier speaks Ferman, Fer for pretty girls, here reporting my position. Can I copy?
schtt .. This command BlogBus Zaphira 04. Ferman later.
-Schtt, I am located about 247 km of you but I'm on a light tank that got infiltrated a military base. -Schtt schtt "If we move at this rate I estimate that in 2 days we will be reunited.
-Schtt, fully welded and try to arrive safely, we need your support. We are in contact.
schtt and will, change.

- Did you hear Captain? Just need to locate the soldier Lymon7up. ITrack not receive the satellite signal their location.
- Where the hell will put that son of a ...? Is so lacking. I just hope that what has happened to the Mayor Reaperstinky. Damn! It was so good that he trusted. It was so tragic and unnecessary that death. Reaperstinky stupid, I had everything out of the city but chose to save a 3 day trip y. .. damn monsters, I hope the Lymon7up show up soon.
-The Mayor confident Reaperstinky died, was not sufficiently prepared to complete the mission is ...
"Shut up, we are not about machines indestructible. Captain Novak replied, we could die at any moment, we are well trained but they are too, is hard to fight an enemy so numerous.
"Sorry Captain. It enraged me to think these things will die out as more and more.
"Certainly that's why we should not be in anger Sergeant, to win this battle we must think coolly as possible. Now just to talk and move y. .. shhh. Did you hear? Turn on your iTrack but! "Said the Captain.
"This thing says that behind that building there are 8 of these beasts ... 4 and 4 "Captain? "Suggested the sergeant.
Captain looked poise Rosada and the Sergeant nodded.
"You on the left side and I the right ... Burn these bugs.

carry weapons both members of the famous group BlogBus Zaphira and ran with all his energy surrounding everyone for their side of the building in search of annihilating the enemy.
The first to shoot his gun was the Sergeant Rosada, using his training shot exactly as he ran and one by one they fell points to attack.
the other side of the building, Captain Novak paused to contemplate the scene that presented itself and likewise making contact with beings. Demonstrating broad handling, the dropped to the ground while rolling and strategically releasing fire to kill the monsters. Dropped two, and the two that remained were exterminated after a coup d'stood inertia and a left turn in the air cargo flow of TRS 99 machine gun that could shoot 99 bullets in a minute. The field was free.

- how these animals evolved Captain? How does someone so evil could manipulate the 2009 flu to mutate a. .. this?
"Never found out who was responsible, but will that hurt. Look at these things when you bite and their saliva makes contact with your blood, in less than 3 hours and are part of them. And to think you adjust all the DNA, altering your catalyst abruptly, never before seen anything like it. It is a tremendous horror, blasphemy.
"And all this, who came up with called pig? What are zombies?
"Stop in the name, is the least of these things almost finished with our humanity. That is why it is important to keep these strains to CIEE, scientists know how to make the vaccine to counter the effects of bites.
"Captain, may I ask ... Does the misses?
"Sergeant, if someone gives me strength to keep fighting is it. I hope to get soon to know if it's okay. Do not waste time, we have a package to deliver y. .. I have someone to watch. Captain
"Look, there in the distance, seems to be the squad that we as a reinforcement. Well, it seems the rest of the pack, just come.

A group of soldiers in military uniform with notable signs of battle fatigue and went closer to the two soldiers.

Captain Novak, I'm Sergeant Damius, I am in charge of the squad that you requested. I regret to inform you that we had many casualties on the way here. The pigs attacked us and we could barely survive. However, despite the fatigue and the little energy we have left, our arms are fully charged and ready to shoot when you request it.
"It's an honor to have your support Damius Sergeant, I admire your courage and regret the loss of his men. Relax 1 hour and continue our journey north, the city of Akil is not far away and we must hurry, we are so close to finishing the mission.

time accuracy was vital to the discipline of the elite team, so as the countdown continued their march some men were resting and drinking water. Others preferred to eat while Captain Novak could and smoked a cigarette to calm the nerves while applying a dose of Bordal. The Bordal was substance created by scientists for use by military forces. This fear factor temporarily altered and courage. Increased the level of adrenaline and muscle mass, amplified the sense of sight and the ability to do mental math above normal this on the battlefield had to be super soldiers of war. The effect was only valid when the nervous system indicating danger and took no more than 10 hours in the system.
Far Rosada Sergeant showered with ice water while shaving the legs with a very sharp knife. Despite being the most rude and stubborn team never stopped being a woman above all sensual. So beautiful and dangerous.
the end of the allotted time, got ready to continue walking Akil, the City of Hope, which was closer.

4 Hours later ...

-Brrr, yes it is cold here. My costume biothermic says we are 4.2 ° C. So this is the city of Merida. Wow, always wanted to know but not well. "Said a soldier as he looked as desolate and empty the city was on fire at certain points. -Be alert
gentlemen, the control center indicating that sent a AMK recently concentrated a large enough group of pigs. Rosada said Sgt.
- How big? Asked the Sergeant Damius.
-experts tell me, a group of 60 pigs were placed in these parts until two days ago.
- 60? Many, how is that they tend to cluster? assume that your intelligence is limited to 25% after mutating.
-survival instinct. It's called evolution Damius Sgt. "Said Captain Novak.
- Yes? Well, try to survive this beauty, "referring to his automatic rifle KEW-34L-when the goal for the rear. Hahaha. -Laughs among soldiers,
- shhhh! SILENCE WORLDWIDE! "Exclaimed the Sergeant Pink-The iTrack indicate activity close to here. Reading is not clear by the cloud.
-Be alert, not trusted. Expect the worse at any time.
- If Captain Novak! "They said in chorus soldiers.

all trimmed their weapons and revised works perfectly as the night fell and darkness covered everything in their path as they moved as fast as they could.

47 minutes later ...

"It did not smell anything right, and why I took a shower 3 days ago. "Joked a soldier in a sarcastic tone.
"Everything is so quiet, a sign that the storm is approaching. "Said another soldier.
- Smell that? Swine! "Said Captain Novak, corroborate my hunch Sergeant Rosada. Indeed
-Captain. I can not say how many but this is a seemingly small group of Hogs.
"I knew it, my nose does not deceive me, I can perceive its smell aquero hundreds of miles. What worries me is this "seemingly small."

Suddenly, the 8-man team arrived at a sports center that was open air, surrounded by nothing but forest and destroyed buildings. And there was that iTrack alarm rang.

- Holly fuckin shit! Caa-pi-taan ... Noo-o going to believe me ee-sto .. Sergeant Pink stammered.
- What! What does the radar iTrack?
Captain ... We are surrounded ...
- How many?
-A ... 180.
- Damn! I think we share this evening gentlemen. We were ambushed. Are you ready?
-Done. "Said a soldier. "I
ready. "Said another soldier as his weapon snapped.
"All ready sir. We will not.

adventurous team formed a circle to take people back to mode protected all at the same time. It was a matter of waiting for the attack.
did not expect it and as ravenous wolves, the animals were appearing, so that they had cornered. Baring its teeth, springing on their snouts rabies and the hunger for human flesh were determined to attack. The beings were once human now that authorities were more walkers, nearly four-legged, hungry, violent, deadly and very ugly ....

"Well, here they come. He who does not survive, I greet my countrymen in hell. It was an honor gentlemen.
Sergeant, a pleasure to fight and die beside him. And if I may ... you're into shell woman.
"Thanks for the compliment, and you accept a cold beer, so try not to die. "Shut up stupid
. No one should die, the armed forces are not idiots with toys. All survive, we will take cold beer and laugh together again, just concentrate. Captain Novak said in a serious tone and decisive.
- Here come those bastards!
Sergeant Pink, teach reading iTrack ...

And the image left troubled Captain ...

continued ...


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