last week, just started working week and my loafers were already in place, my tie tightly around my neck, combing with 13.7 gr. Gel for my uncombed hair not the air that goes out the window and my belt tight for me to sit do not notice much belly.
day was quite pleasant, the kind that even the sun burns from early burn feels rich. View
to kids deal with widespread enthusiasm in his return to school and in contrast, see their mothers with the face of "fuck, beggar kid because of you I'm not sleeping" ... priceless to me. Tasty
the streets was driving my bus, just going in the second round of my route, but went with the whole attitude of giving a good service to my passengers, as they always do, but something would happen.
An old man who was at the bus stop to signal that I wanted to address my unit, so I stuck as much as I could so he could go without a hitch. With considerable difficulty
the old man helped his cane to climb step by step, and although the bus only has 3 steps, the snail's pace that had made him look as if it had about 10.
With all kindness and a smile amber (is that I had time to brush my teeth, I went fast) I offered to help it to rise at a more lightweight, but he refused.
- Let's grandfather, we have all day, I bring a few children but want to get one through the school and expand their knowledge of the world .... or at least mind the mother to arrive last, but certainly want to be on time.
- Oh child, do not lash fuershash I have as when I was your age and I ponshaba to lash the ESHC todash ...
- Well good and almost there a notch.
- Grashias by eshperar child.
- Hold on to go faster than we're late because of him.
- Well, let Shaco my money to pay. Oh, neceshitaré mish ojosh shegundosh couple to see my portfolio. I remember when I had good vishta, which I loved to do was mash lash lash todash piernash of Chamac ...
- Yeah, yeah, well I say hold on and run little bit that other passengers will be addressed.
I was humming the song that sounds a lot these days, the waka waka Chakira, happy driving and Climbing up on the sidewalks to draw attention of the local people to read: that Novak as clown Oh, here is gay!
needless to say I was happy. But the old man had a plan to ruin.
- I found my ticket to pay you my son, here tienesh.
- Perfect grandfather. "While extending my hand to hold the said paper money.
Scriiiiiiiiiiiiiiich -squeak of my bus.
- Grandpa, Do not have a ticket more "boy"? This is $ 500.
- Oh son, esh everything I have just given my penshión. I bring mash. Ah, but what shi esh bring my credenshial of INSHEN for me cobresh Sholo half.
And here's where I lost my patience.
- What! Are you crazy old man? What do not you realize it's too early and not bring change? And above you wish to charge $ 3 as seniors. You really are a shameless.
that I pasted in the old man with his cane. Neglect, it takes more than a decrepit being with a baton stick so that I can do damage.
- No Sheas groshero Mushasha, reshpeta to mayoresh tush and do not give you one because I canshé noma'sh the first one I gave you.
- just do not fuck with me, wants to take the little morraya I have. Unconsciousness on his part that you want to exchange $ 497.
- Asheptalo, eshtá nueveshito ...
And when I see the bill in more detail ...
... I suddenly realized the deception when he recognized the photo.
- O seaaaa, fucking old bitch, a part of everything I want to see the stupid face when I have handsome. You're paying with a counterfeit.
- I do not understand son, how to falsh? I just had to give the teshorería munishipal Did we movishte to caracolitosh LOSH?
- Look well jijo cremated and worms from your mother, who is in the center of the bill? Watch him as well. It is the black lenses of Futurama ... I think it is called "Herpes something." But the fact is that this is a counterfeit and not wanting to accept you make fun of me because once I fuck to pay me a couple of washers instead of coins but that was because he was very raw and is not the case today . So you pa'bajo ... Kyaaaa!
And shaolisayayín a well calculated move to throw out my old drive to see it drop and roll along the steps ... okay, I only had three but as it was falling too low as it was more spectacular and fun event.
Passengers at the time were with me clapped and cheered me.
That's Novak!
why we love you, do not be!
if I gave you!
Novak're our hero!
After venting the anger tore my unit and continued on my route.
Yesterday afternoon I came to find out that the new ticket
$ 500 bicentennial was not as false as I thought. But do not blame me dear readers, was not my intention to hurt little old sovereign. Who would have thought that the new ticket has a photo-like character in the cartoon? I did what any of you have done for me.
old lady, if you go to read the post ... believe me no hard feelings and you can address again whenever you want, now if you believe, Noma's not pay me with another ticket so high denomination or remember ... Kyaaaa!