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USEFUL information! to be vigilant, dengue prevention campaign.
Aedes aegypti ...
more than a midge is a major problem!
more than a midge is a major problem!
What is dengue?
is a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The infection only occurs when a female mosquito Aedes aegypti (and only that species) bites a person infected by inoculating the virus.
is a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The infection only occurs when a female mosquito Aedes aegypti (and only that species) bites a person infected by inoculating the virus.
There are four varieties (seriotipos) virus. When a person is first infected, almost always healthy and become immune to seritipo with which they infected. But if it is infected by a mosquito that is carrying several of the other three seriotipos, the risk of getting a severe form of dengue is increasing.
disease expressed by some people in a small way and in others with greater severity. Dengue can be fatal, but death occurs in a very small percentage of all sick people.
disease expressed by some people in a small way and in others with greater severity. Dengue can be fatal, but death occurs in a very small percentage of all sick people.
How is the disease spread?
The mosquito transmits the disease from an ill person a healthy person. The way to avoid transmission is to eliminate the mosquito and its breeding sites.
not be passed from person to person.
is necessary to prevent all kinds of bites, so the man would also protect other diseases.
How to recognize the mosquito Aedes aegypti?
mosquito is a small, black and white stripes in ring form in the legs. Fly near the floor and takes refuge in shady places. The
Embras after sucking blood, they will lay dozens of eggs in containers of water (larval breeding sites). Larvae born from eggs that will become the mosquito wings. When you see a mosquito as the one described, ask yourself where it came from? Search nurseries and delete them.
NO DENGUE VACCINE. UNCA way to prevent this is to eliminate breeding grounds for larvae.
Usually this mosquito, lives a few weeks, not exceeding a month.
Where grows?
It grows in all sorts of containers in which water accumulates, such as:
buckets, barrels, drums, jars, vases, pots.
is also outside the home such as in: laundry, old tires, bottles, cans, tanks, hatch, some succulents.
The mosquito breeds in ponds and lakes, natural or artificial, one in puddles caused by rain in the land, one in rivers, streams and ditches home. Swimming pools produce very few mosquitoes.
How to prevent it?
just taking care of general cleaning and destroying bagging waste scrap, also remove other pests.
data supported by the Health Council of the Province of Buenos Aires, on the advice of CEPAVE.
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