This project created with the aim of opening the university space for alternative art collectives Madrid, to meet, talk, debate, discuss their situation in society and to establish the necessary links between them groups.
The meeting, organized by the Central Delegation of Students of the UCM, 18 and 19 May, was held at the Orange Hall of the School of Information Sciences.
The meeting was attended groups:
Acinco, Joint Urgent Basurama. house, La Casa de los Jacinto Artists Quarter, E6_2D, Jaos Group, Manklared, mmmm ...., Perceptron.es, sdf (sindomiciliofijo), stop (no official title intended).
During the meeting began to open networks of communication, collaboration and dissemination of work emprendiods between the groups and raised the possibility of a collective artistic map of Madrid, which will be extended according to the relations with other groups in other locations.
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