Today, the cream of directors announced that it will take legal action and ensures that the auction will not proceed.
problems, and auctions, are still the order of the day Universitario de Deportes. Following the suspension of the sale of Lot A Country Mar U, which was scheduled for Friday 13 May, the Sunat announced that a new run on Wednesday 18, including group B, which involves auctioning the entire beach site cream club.
The open outcry auction will begin with group A (which includes pictures 251.460 meters), priced at S /. 61'028, 668, price base de S/. 40´685,779. Luego se hará lo mismo con el lote B (de 250,558 metros cuadrados), tasado en S/. 47´742,330, al precio base de S/.31´828,220.
Con la puja del proceso se obtendrán los recursos para cumplir con el pago de la deuda tributaria de Universitario de Deportes, que supera los S/. 100 millones, indicó una fuente del Ejecutivo.
Como se recuerda, el Tercer Juzgado de Paz Letrado de Ate ordenó la subasta de ese lote A para el viernes 13 de mayo, pero la Sunat y un grupo de acreedores presentaron un proceso de reclamo, dado que iban a rematar el inmueble al 17% de su valor comercial .
Ese tema queda solucionado con el remate que hará la Sunat, agregó a source connected to the case.
"The Sunat, in its discretion, may convene a public auction through its coercive executors, unlike other creditors who have to ask the judge," he said.
But the leadership of the "U" has not stood with folded arms.
"Today (yesterday) we're focused on the party of the" U "with Cobresol, but tomorrow (today) there will be an emergency meeting and directors take legal action. I can not hasten but ensure that the auction will not, "said a team source cream.
It is recalled that in 2009, the "U" obtained an amparo that paralyzed the collection of the Sunat.