Palomas, movies and police. Ahhhh, movies, who does not love a good movie together with some nachos with extra cheese and a Coke as a doornail?
However, the economic situation allows us to afford to enjoy all the pleasures that a film can give us, I say, we have two hundred pesos, y contrabajo nos alcanza para las entradas, (dos pues llevamos a la nena), y muchas veces no nos alcanza ni para unas palomitas chicas.
Solemos maldecir por lo bajo, y proponer a nuestra novia en turno que se le repondrá la cosa invitándola a desayunar unas "Tortas Locas Hipocampo" o algo así.
Pero en algunos casos, nuestras ganas de mover la boca dentro de una sala de cine son simplemente irresistibles... y optamos por la comida furtiva, sin meditar en las (algunas veces) graves consecuencias que esto podría acarrear.
Súbanse que les cuento:
Manejaba tranquilamente por las calles del centro de la ciudad, entonces dos pasajeros abordaron el autobús Don Antonio Malgesto y his wife Doña Teodora, I gave them a good morning with a smile, but the ride I realized that the poor man was brutally beaten and had bruises around the eyes, a split lip and what appeared to be dried blood coming out of the ear and nose.
Lymon: Good heavens! Don Tony, what happened? asked worried.
Don Tony: Pu's that I went to the movies boy! (Don Tony and his wife are originally from Monterrey) to see an action movie.
Lymon: I guess it was in 3-D eh? Look! is knackered. What happened?
Don Tony: Oh! Millet, if I told you then!, look, I told my wife I wanted to see a film that tried converncerla Rentaro one in the video about the house, but just did not want to pus, so I convinced her to go to the movies, we got there, I bought the tickets and everything was going well But as we approached the bakery, Hijole! I nearly swallowed his tongue courage!, popcorn and two sodas for $ 110? that's an insult to poor people, honest people working and not much wool.
Lymon: And then?, "Dona Matt looked at his hands, sad .-
Don Tony: Well, in the same shopping center there is a supermarket, so I was smarter than those thieves, I take my old to the supermarket and Buy some peanuts 'Aponeses, some chocolates "chin laryngeal and two disposable one-liter Cokes, my old gave little thing, is one of those older than seeing a sign saying" No to put food and drinks outside the installation "is frightening, I convinced of our entire budget to dip your hand Bultot that my mother gave pa 'Christmas' and then we get into the movies.
Lymon: I see, however, that does not explain the beating Don Tony.
Don Tony: I palla Pérama there ', we went to the girl who breaks the tickets in two and gives half white. or older. Doña
Teo: Very true, at that time, the little girl asked me Tena in the bag, and told my cross stitch, but soperútano my husband did not realize it had gotten bad bag of peanuts, therefore, the package is out half a bag of peanuts, and the top of one of the Coca-Colas, everything happened too fast, the girl pressed a red button under his table, and suddenly the steel gates of film entries slammed, they heard glass break and someone yelled, Stop! in that, as 30 elements of the armed forces came ...
Don Tony: We lay face down on the shiny polished floor tile, was deathly silence, the girl in the basket said: "They are agents, so that three of the officers approached to me, one pointed me to the head with a 9 mm pistol and the other lifted my hair and on her knees in front of me who seemed to be the group leader - Can you open the bag lady? - asked my old. Doña
Teo: I grabbed my bag and opened it slowly, then my husband shouted: No TEO!, One of the officers hit a cachaça in the mouth, and began to bleed, I closed my eyes and emptied the contents of my bag on the floor, one of the officers smiled. "Go go, but we have here, Japanese cacachuates eh? - Said. "Well, my mom loves my husband said, - Do you see anything in the candy store that sold peanuts film? - Asked agent, "No sir, but this evil man ...- let him talk to my fat, punched him in the face and kicked in the stomach ... "What else around here, chocolates" chin laryngeal "Hey you! that of the candy! - shouted the officer, "They sell this brand of chocolate here - asked another skinny kid who worked there, who responded slowly shaking his head ... -No ... course not, "then returned to hit in the face to my husband, his military colleagues laughed at what he did ... And finally Coca-Cola bottle, as I know, this film is sold soda served in a glass, or am I wrong, "he asked his men," Of course ...- Captain not my husband dealt a kick in the ribs, her mouth was bleeding, bowed and stood up to his face, pulled his gun and put it on the front ... "Look friend in this movie we take very seriously," No food to enter the room "so I want to ask a favor, if you value your life, take this bag and take it to the box office is like a parcel, you will provide a tab and the end of your function, you can pick up your bag and everyone was happy, you understand? - My husband got up very slowly, taking the ribs slowly walked toward the box office, all watching him, the officers did not fail to take aim with laser sight glasses just head, upon receiving fichita, right back where I was ... "Okay guys, let's go, we finished ...-
Don Tony: And so as they appeared they left, came through the windows and heard the roar of the engines of the helicopter, they moved away, walked back to Miss that divides the tickets and give you ours ... "Welcome to (name censored to avoid compromising a certain film company whose logo is a star formed by pieces of film ... ooops, forget the above ...) their role is in room number 3 ahead and have fun. " gave us a smile, which came back reluctantly, and all for what? my mom got sick from the effects of the screen and we left half of the film, boring by the way, we decided to see "Son of Chucky" the pass tonight, on Channel 5 ...
And so ends this story Dear passengers, please remember to save for when they go to movies, not bad to have military officers hiding under a table ... down by the back door and walked with careful, do not forget to pay your ticket and see you soon!