Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Pinky With Black Hair

action. was the first initiative sdf, released as the first stone of the project presentation interactive, in an exhibition space, the November 5, 2003, the draft-room of the Atomic Eye of Madrid.

The presentation combined a number of shares of travel and real-time transmission and snapped together with the public crossword unlimited possibilities of meaning construction using stones and words that the public were organized in different directions.
The project has continued since then in different directions with interactive projects that combine different media .

Friday, October 17, 2003

Silver Sity Ottawa Ticket Purchase

Street sindomiciliofijo

sdf (sindomiciliofijo) is a reception area and creation of collective projects that are generated and managed through Internet (Web forums , email, weblogs, etc.) that can develop in different ways, in different media (art, plastic, literary, etc.) anywhere in the world.

sdf (sindomiciliofijo) is a community of Web users whose common interest is to establish points of communication and exchange of artistic experiences and cognitive ability to use the power that the Internet provides intercom from anywhere in the world and tries to carry out common initiatives and arts projects provide interest in innovation, communication and viability.